
About me
I come from Jihlava, the metropolis of the Vysočina region.
In the art SCHOOL I five years devoted to playing the piano. Over time you noticed the teachers that like to improvise and started me in this activity support. The first small compositions that I've made, messing with me, my teacher at the organ, who was also a composer. He liked and suggested learning tracks. Because folding my parents too did not agree and wanted me to pay only the game on the piano, I started in the morning of the game on the organ secretly study the song.
In 2008, I was adopted at the brno conservatory, majoring in piano. But already from the second year of the conservatory, I started to study also the song. I eventually became fatal. Currently, I am continuing in the studio at the prague academy of music, where I took the first year in 2013, and I'm here until now.
In fairy tales determine the path of the three fates, for me, however, were three special educators, and composers. At the SCHOOL of music Jihlava it was Mgr. Petr Šandera, at the brno conservatory Mga. Pavel Novák, PhD. and at the prague academy of music prof. Ivan Course. In my every life stage me of the summer shape and gradually initiated into the mysteries of composition.